
Engage – meaning, we need your help! We now have the platform that is helping bring people out of – what we call – the dark ages, but we can’t do it all.

Yes little ol’ everyday tired and sometimes cranky, struggling to make ends meet, get the kids off to school, earn a living and jam eight days into a seven day week – loved by God, you. And on top of that WE need to ask YOU for YOUR help. We know it’s a lot to ask, but you won’t be sorry, and we even think you’ll be quite excited to be involved with what God is doing today through our small, but very devoted organization.

If you have ever worked in any capacity for a Christian ministry or secular nonprofit organization then you understand no-one does it for self aggrandizement. You do it because there is a need. If there is any payoff it comes as getting your heart’s cockles warmed up a bit and knowing you did the right thing at and with that time of your life. And after Book’s 1 and 2, and seeing the reactions from others, there has never been such an awakening to the distortion of God’s Holy Word that the thinking Christian knows simply does NOT add up. We at the CMBS exist to make known that deceptive and blinding distortion and in the process discover untold Bible mysteries!

It’s very important for us at CMBS to provide you with the timeliest, relevant, informative and accurate information we possibly can. To build you the best Christian webpage and articles on the internet. Many hands may make light work but there always seems to be a shortage of appendages for some reason, but never a shortage of work.

Which is why we at CMBS extend an open invitation to anyone who would like to donate any portion of their time on this present earth to give us a hand. And no amount of time is too small.

First of all we really need someone who has some experience setting up and administering and/or marketing a webpage. You don’t have to be a pro, as long as you know your way around things and we can depend on you – then we sure would like to talk with you.

Secondly; many kinds of written materials are always needed. It may be as simple as a list of uncommonly known facts regarding the Bible, church history or the great saints of past. If you like to do online research we’d like to put you on a list of contacts we can access when we need specific types of information. There is a mind blowing amount of info out there, but it still takes a lot of time to find and aggregate it. In the same vein if you take a bit of pride in your writing skills (i.e. grammar, sentence structure, etc.) it sure would be nice to have an extra editor or two available.    With any writing or editing you provide we will happily give you as much byline as you can stand, and on the flipside as much anonymity as you need. Anything you send us such as your name, email etc. will be held as confidential unless you specifically tell us otherwise. We wouldn’t ask if we didn’t need.


Thanks from the bottom of our hearts,


The Christian MythBuster Series (CMBS) Team